Tag: evoplasmdevlog
Three Dummy UX Mistakes I’m Forever Ashamed Of
I got the chance to demo Evoplasm to strangers for the first time at a Boston Indies demo night the other night. This made me question my game, my life (just kidding), and most importantly my UX design skills. Here are three lessons I learned. Make Your Buttons Unique From Panels When you start a…
Evoplasm Devlog 2
Exciting updates this week. We have a starting creature builder and three (3!) types of elemental damage, each with different unique effects. Check it out. We’re also working on setting up the Freezebeam Steam developer account, so hopefully we can create a store page soon.
Evoplasm Devlog 1
This is our first devlog! We’ll be publishing these every Friday. This is a first look and let’s play of the game. Enjoy!