Evoplasm Devlog

This is the devlog for Evoplasm – the roguelike creature builder. Wishlist it on Steam! Try the demo on Itch.io!

Evoplasm Devlog #13

Big update today! The updated demo for Evoplasm 0.15.0.a, River Mode, is out! Try the new version of the demo on Itch!

We also updated our trailer, and Steam assets. Here’s the new trailer.

Lots of cool new stuff in this version!

River Mode is here! The campaign map has been completely redone, and now the campaign has you hopping from island to island. Flagella and fins let you increase the span of tiles you can reach. The hope is that the campaign map is way less overwhelming and more in line with player expectations if they played games like Slay the Spire before.

On the balancing side: cell walls are less common now. Hoping this makes creatures able to expand bigger more consistently.

Also, neurons can now appear in “special” booster vials. This should make “special” vials a slightly more compelling choice if you already have a special ability you like.

Last, but not least, there’s a new little wiggle animation when you add a cell. I love it!